Sunday, 21 April 2024

Society spring indoor meeting

The Society AGM is taking place next Sunday 29th April at 2:00 PM at Preston Montford. As ever, we will try and ensure that the formal part of the meeting will be succinct. Once the business has been completed we can look forward to a meeting where our Vice County Recorders, Mags Cousins and John Martin, demonstrate how to use iRecord – the favoured method to ensure your records are verified and end up forming part of our wonderful database. They will be using records that were collected last weekend at Prees Heath, a well-attended meeting where some lovely plants recorded including the Heath Dog-violet Viola canina below:


If there is time, there will also be a demonstration of how the records from the Botanical Society database can be downloaded and displayed in QGIS.

We are having a book sale so please donate any books that you think others would enjoy and please bring along a cake - the tea and coffee are provided.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.