Sunday, 26 June 2022

A marshy meadow in flaming June

Hello botany friends,

Hopefully you have been able to enjoy this wonderful 'flaming June', I can see that everything is shooting up in the garden!

We are meeting on Saturday 2nd July at Cudwell Meadow (SO44949313), to look at a site that featured in the Spring 2021 newsletter.

We are meeting at 10.00am in the Cemetery Road layby, (What Three Words: off Ludlow Road, Church Stretton, near SY6 6AA. There are limited parking spaces in the lay-by.

We will start by recording a meadow that is being restored by the Stretton Wetlands Interest Group.  Following this, we will explore some marshy grassland in another part of the ‘Stretton Wetlands’ nearby. Wellies recommended! Contact: Andrew Perry,

A picture of Cudwell Meadow, kindly provided by Mike Carter.

Hope to see you there.

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Looking for something Deadly?

Hello botany friends,

Join us to track down some Shropshire rarities on Sunday 26th June. Stevenshill, Cound. Meeting at Cound Church at 10:00am.

Parking is on the roadside near the church (SJ 557 049), What Three Words:

There’s a 15 minute walk south up the Coundmoor Brook before we get to the right area to start recording. We hope to find Atropa belladonna Deadly Nightshade, Draba muralis Wall Whitlowgrass (you may need to look this up) and Dipsacus pilosus Small Teasel - amongst other things.

For further information please contact Dan Wrench, 07718 391794,

A pretty lady? Atropa belladonna, Deadly Nightshade

We hope to see you there.

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Melverley Meadows - a Shropshire hay meadow in June

Hello botany friends,

Our next field outing is scheduled for 11 am on Saturday 18th June at Melverley Meadows, a reserve owned and managed by the Shropshire Wildlife Trust.

There is a limited parking on the roadside by the reserve, SJ 5810 4046, What Three Words:, north of the village Ash Magna, postcode SY113 4EA.

The reserve is a series of flower-rich hay meadows and hopefully we'll relocate Ononis spinosa, Spiny Restharrow. For further information contact Penny Wysome, 01952 242617,

What is better than a flower-rich hay meadow in June?

Hope to see you there.

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Limestone grassland treat

After a short break, we are back next Sunday 12th June, with a meeting at Llanymynech (SJ 2707 2194, What Three Words: Meet at 10.00am in the Shropshire Wildlife Trust car park, at the end of Underhill Lane from Pant.

This is a popular reserve with species rich Carboniferous limestone grassland and woodland. Orchids may be about but there will be lots of unusual plants to see and admire. The path is a bit steep, rocky and can be slippery in places. This is a joint meeting where we are also welcoming members of The Wildflower Society.

Please contact us if you hope to attend by emailing:

A possibility of seeing Platanthera chlorantha, the Greater Butterfly Orchid, previously recorded at Llanymynech.