Sunday, 24 April 2022

Spring ephemerals and Spring Coppice

Hard on the heels of the first field meeting, the second Society outing is scheduled for next Sunday:

Sunday 1st May. Lyth Hill. Meet at 10:00am. The meeting place is at the car park at (SJ 472 068). We hope to explore both the woodland of Spring Coppice and the species-rich grassland to the south of the coppice. We are hoping that there will still be some spring ephemerals near the car park to find. For further information please contact Andrew Perry:

The event is free, all are welcome to join us, you don't have to be a member, just message us at: to book your place.

Hope to see you there.


Saturday, 16 April 2022

Vege Grass ID, Sat. 23rd April

We are kicking off the first field meeting of 2022 with a training meeting on vegetative grass identification.

Saturday 23rd April. Loam Hole Dingle and Ropewalk Meadow, Coalbrookdale (SJ 6674 0476). 

Meeting in the car park of The Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron, Coach Rd, Coalbrookdale, Telford TF8 7DQ at 10:30am. Parking is £5 for the day although there is limited free parking locally.

Focus will be on Hilary Wallace’s FSC AIDGAP VegetativeGrass Identification handbook. We’ll look at a range of grass species and use vegetative characters to identify them. There will be lots of stops along the way, although there is a strenuous climb up a set of steps before lunch in a wonderful series of meadows managed by the Severn Gorge Countryside Trust. Contact: John Handley, 07507 054695,

Holcus lanatus, Yorkshire Fog, and Holcus mollis, Creeping Soft-grass, photo John Handley

The event is free, all are welcome to join us, you don't have to be a member, just message us at: to book your place.

Hope to see you there.



Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Arctic Alpines and the AGM, Sat. 9th April

The spring meeting is fast approaching this weekend and we are going ahead with an in person event:

2-4pm, Sat. 9th April, at FSC Preston Montford, SY4 1DX:  

An illustrated talk by John Martin on “Arctic Alpine Plants in Britain”, plus a smidgeon of AGM business and lashings of tea and cake.

It will certainly be great to meet up but we realise that Covid transmission rates are high. We will be in the Caradoc room so there will be plenty of space and ventilation. If you are happy to, we'll wear masks indoors, we might even have tea outside if the weather is kind, and FSC prefer testing beforehand if you can get hold of any test kits (hens teeth and all that). 

That said we are looking forward to relaxing with some mini Salix or a cushion of Saxifrages as John gives us a Cook's Tour of some nice Arctic-Alpine sites and plants.  

Salix reticulata, Net-leaved Willow, photo Mags Cousins

The event is free, including the refreshments provided by volunteer bakers.  All are welcome to join us, you don't have to be a member, just message us at: to book your seat.

Hope to see you there.