Only one more field meeting to go this year - Brown Moss SSSI, 10.30am, Sat. 28th September 2019
Ranunculus peltatus (photo M.Cousins) |
There is always a tinge of regret when nearing the end of the field meeting programme. So it is nice to finish with a flourish at Brown Moss SSSI, a very diverse and interesting site, renowned for wetland rarities. So make sure the date is in your diary, Sat. 28th Sept.
We will be privileged to have Dr Martin Godfrey as the leader of this event. Martin is an experienced teacher, bryologist and pteridologist.
Riccia canaliculata (photo S.Pilkington) |
We hope to find the rare liverwort Channelled Crystalwort
Riccia canaliculata at its only site in England. Bring your boots or wellies as it grows on the mud around the pools. There will be a focus on bryophytes which will be a good run up for autumn/winter recording, when bryophytes really come into their own.
If you would like some background on this enigmatic liverwort, Dr Sharon Pilkington surveyed and reported on the status of
Riccia canaliculata at Brown Moss in Field Bryology No 116, p 6-9, Nov 16:
Hope to see you there.