
Just like the newsletters all our books and publications are available for free either as pdfs from the Botanical Society Publications Dropbox folder.  Alternatively go to https://archive.org and enter the search term "Shropshire Botanical Society".

Alternatively you can read them online, just follow these links:

(An Excel file that lists the rare plants of Shropshire is available from Dropbox here:  Rare Plants in Shropshire)

New Flora of Attingham Park 2005

Ecological Flora of Shropshire 1985

Flora of Attingham 1975

The Flora and Vegetation of Shropshire 2015  This comprehensive flora covers all the charophytes, bryophytes and vascular plants recorded in the county since the 18th century, as well as the National Vegetation Classification. It is also available to buy as colour hardback from Summerfield Books for £35.