Saturday, 14 May 2022

For our next trip....

Sunday 22nd May:  Secret Hills Discovery Centre Meeting at 10-12.30pm in the car park (SO 43478 82502)

The meeting will combine training and recording, especially grasses of the hay meadow, river floodplain and damp woodland. The morning will be led by Mags Cousins and we are aiming to provide the Secret Hills Discovery centre with a more complete species list and a botanical training opportunity for their volunteers as well as Botanical Society members. Booking is necessary through the Centre, either book at reception or call Tammy Shurmer on 01588 676060, email:  There are good facilities with toilets, shop and cafe and easy access paths.  You are welcome to stay on after the field meeting and enjoy the Centre and other local attractions. 

Small Tortoiseshell on Ox-eye Daisy