Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Microscopy Workshop 10th February


Martin Godfrey has very kindly offered to run a general microscopy techniques workshop for anyone interested in using microscopes. Martin is an experienced Associate Tutor for the Field Studies Council and past President of the British Bryological Society, and has tutored microscopy courses for different organisations.

Microscopes can be used for many different purposes including finding and measuring stomata and looking at pollen and spore fertility, as well as being used to identify bryophytes. As a general workshop Martin will cover the basics as well as providing samples for more experienced individuals.

Microscopes are being provided by the FSC, but please bring your own if you prefer, as well as your lunch! Tuition and samples are kindly being provided by Martin and it looks to be an excellent day. It is due to take place on the 10th February at Preston Montford field study centre at 10AM. Booking is required, please contact Martin Godfrey as places are limited: mfgodfrey49@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing you then.