Saturday, 14 October 2023

Celebrating National Moss Day Saturday 21st October

 We are joining in the centenary year celebrations of the British Bryological Society on the first National Moss Day taking place on Saturday 21st October on the Long Mynd.

We will be meeting at 11:00 am in the small car park off the Burway at SO 437 942. We are hoping to re-find Grimmia montana Sun Grimmia which is the only moss that was recorded in Shropshire in 1923 - the year the BBS was formed. It just happens  that this is quite a rare species but with relatively good representation in Shropshire. We will also seek out other rarities of the Long Mynd. For further information contact Martin Godfrey:

Photograph of Grimmia montana and G. decipiens on the igneous volcanic rock (trachyte) of Traprain Law by Des Callaghan. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

We look forward to seeing you next Saturday.