Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Wales Annual Meeting in Montgomeryshire

Hello Botanical friends,

Dr Kate Thorne has passed on some details relating to the BSBI Wales Annual Meeting that will be of interest to members of the Society.

This year’s BSBI Wales Annual Meeting has a Wetlands theme and is being held in Montgomeryshire based at Gregynog Hall, near Newtown from 2-4 August. The latest programme is attached. It includes:

  • Field visits to upland pools, blanket bog and mire, flood plain, and the canal. We hope to see Luronium natans (Floating Water-plantain) in two different habitats, Potamogeton compressus (Grass-wrack Pondweed), Limosella aquatica (Mudwort), Elatine hexandra (Six-stamened Waterwort), Sparganium natans (Least Bur-reed), Carex magellanica (Tall Bog-sedge) & Carex limosa, Pilularia globulifera (Pillwort), and Andromeda polifolia (Bog Rosemary). Carex pauciflora (Few-flowered Sedge) may just be identifiable at its southern-most UK site.
  • Talks by Alastair Hotchkiss, Mark Duffell, and Martin Godfrey.
  • The BSBI Wales AGM.
  • Posters prepared by members.

Further information and online booking via the Wales AGM web page 

Booking deadline:  21 April 2023. Any queries to the Organising Secretary