Tuesday 7 May 2024

Minsterley Meadows appeal

Many of you will be aware that two flower-rich hay-meadows on the eastern outskirts of Minsterley designated by Natural England as a Site of Special Scientific Interest have been offered for sale.

Following a public meeting on the 6th January a Minsterley Meadows working group was established and has successfully caught the eye of the Middle Marches Community Land Trust who have made an offer of £190,000 which has been accepted. They now have until October 19th to raise the funds.

This is wonderful news as the Trust have quickly developed a reputation, over recent years, for successfully purchasing and managing areas for conservation.

This is the largest site for Green-winged Orchids, Orchis morio (below) in Shropshire and we would like to know if you as members who like to support this purchase and, if so, to what extent.

The appeal by the Middle Marches Community Land Trust is attempting to raise a figure of £240,000 to purchase the land and to carry out the necessary Land Management work and support the development of the community group:

Item Cost


Land purchase


Legal costs


Professional fees (valuation, advice, negotiation, etc)


Fencing, gates, pedestrian bridges (2)


Roadside tree survey


Notice boards (3)


Other signage


Appeal costs including leaflets, posters, fundraising thermometer


Administrative support (Sarah Jameson, Minsterley Meadows Working Group)


Ongoing tree works, contingency


Investment in Minsterley Meadows Working Group (to cover costs of meetings and other expenses)




Total sum £237,000

To collect in the Appeal £240,000

Your committee would like to know if you think the Shropshire Botanical Society should support this appeal. If you could complete this very short poll before Sunday 26th May we will take members views into account when we make our decision: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/89ZTXF5

Further details of the appeal can be found here.  

Thank you for your help.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Society spring indoor meeting

The Society AGM is taking place next Sunday 29th April at 2:00 PM at Preston Montford. As ever, we will try and ensure that the formal part of the meeting will be succinct. Once the business has been completed we can look forward to a meeting where our Vice County Recorders, Mags Cousins and John Martin, demonstrate how to use iRecord – the favoured method to ensure your records are verified and end up forming part of our wonderful database. They will be using records that were collected last weekend at Prees Heath, a well-attended meeting where some lovely plants recorded including the Heath Dog-violet Viola canina below:


If there is time, there will also be a demonstration of how the records from the Botanical Society database can be downloaded and displayed in QGIS.

We are having a book sale so please donate any books that you think others would enjoy and please bring along a cake - the tea and coffee are provided.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

Saturday 17 February 2024

A putative hybrid between G. lucidum and G. robertianum in Shropshire

Spring is definitely stirring despite the rain rain rain and it is about now when Shining Crane's-bill Geranium lucidum becomes very obvious on the hedge banks.  The photo below was beside a lane in All Stretton two weeks ago, and occupying the same space was Herb-Robert Geranium robertianum (centre, more finely divided leaves), and herein lies the reason for this posting: 

Shining Crane's-bill Geranium lucidum and Herb-Robert G. robertianum

In the past a hybrid between G. lucidum and G. robertianum was said to have been found at 'Mill in the Hole', Bridgnorth, Salop (Daniels Mill). This hybrid is not mentioned in the Hybrid Flora of the British Isles (Stace, 2015), but was mentioned in Stace 1975 by McClintock when it was said to be in a couple of places. There is some uncertainty around the validity of the record due to the lack of a convincing herbarium specimen. 

Michael Wilcox, BSBI member has been researching Geranium lucidum and has asked Shropshire botanists to keep an eye out for unusual looking specimens that could indicate hybridisation. Michael would welcome flowering specimens of G. lucidum to look at pollen and stomata, and would want to receive live specimens of plants with flowers/flower buds and some root (they are shallow rooted so should be possible). Please exercise the usual protocol for collecting specimens (BSBI Code of Conduct), and contact Michael beforehand: Michaelpw22@hotmail.com 

So this is your mission, keep an eye out for odd looking G.lucidum whilst you are out and about, and especially if you are visiting the rather fine looking Daniels Mill near Bridgnorth as it is now known:

From Daniels Mill webpage 

We don't really know what constitutes odd but if you have a suspect, contact Michael Wilcox: Michaelpw22@hotmail.com 

Mags Cousins (Joint Recorder VC40, BSBI)

Friday 2 February 2024

Willow Emerald Damselfly


Photograph of a Willow Emerald Damselfly by Steve Cham

This time of year - when you are out and about looking for the early signs of spring - there is a frustrating lack of leaves and flowers - but you would be doing a huge service if, on your botanical jaunts, you might look out for signs of a potential new arrival in Shropshire the Willow Emerald Damselfly.  These insects lay their eggs in late summer directly into branches of willows and alders and similar that hang over slow flowing rivers or sheltered standing waters. The plant in response produces these patterns of galls known as scars which are so distinctive they are actually accepted as species records for this imminent new arrival- as yet unrecorded in Shropshire! Sue Rees Evans would love to know if you see these scars, or indeed the adults later this summer...or if you're very lucky you may see the eggs hatch and the young larvae emerging from the twigs in spring!   Just take a look at these pictures and if you see any signs of Willow Emerald Damselfly please contact Sue at info@shropshiredragonflies.co.uk

Additional photographs below provided by Steve Cham.

Thank you

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Microscopy Workshop 10th February


Martin Godfrey has very kindly offered to run a general microscopy techniques workshop for anyone interested in using microscopes. Martin is an experienced Associate Tutor for the Field Studies Council and past President of the British Bryological Society, and has tutored microscopy courses for different organisations.

Microscopes can be used for many different purposes including finding and measuring stomata and looking at pollen and spore fertility, as well as being used to identify bryophytes. As a general workshop Martin will cover the basics as well as providing samples for more experienced individuals.

Microscopes are being provided by the FSC, but please bring your own if you prefer, as well as your lunch! Tuition and samples are kindly being provided by Martin and it looks to be an excellent day. It is due to take place on the 10th February at Preston Montford field study centre at 10AM. Booking is required, please contact Martin Godfrey as places are limited: mfgodfrey49@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing you then.   

Saturday 13 January 2024

Winter Social Sunday 21st Jan: "More than Meets the Eye – the wildlife of Grace Dieu, Leicestershire", a talk by Steve Woodward

Please join us for the Winter Social Indoor meeting, coming soon on Sunday 21st January 2024 - at 14:00 at Preston Montford Field Studies Centre, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury SY4 1DX.  We can look forward to an interesting talk see below and share a cuppa and a piece of cake. 

"More than Meets the Eye – the wildlife of Grace Dieu, Leicestershire, by Steve Woodward."

Steve Woodward is the joint BSBI recorder for Leicestershire & Rutland and is also the local co-ordinator for six invertebrate groups.
His talk will be about his most recent project which has involved a wonderful in-depth study of Grace Dieu Priory grounds. The resulting report is a little like Sinker’s wonderful flora where the soils, and geology are covered in depth to illustrate the relationship between species and place.

The report has been published and is available to buy:

Steve’s photographs, knowledge and holistic approach will have something for everyone - and we can look forward to his accounts of vascular plants that were rediscovered such as Moschatel Adoxa moschatellina and Toothwort Lathraea squamaria and some rarities such as Bog Pimpernel Lysimachia tenella.  

Members and non members are welcome, no need to book.  The event is free, but donations from non members are welcome to help cover venue hire and refreshments.  There is usually ample parking on site and lifts can be arranged from Shrewsbury railway station if required.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Bot Soc Committee

Saturday 23 December 2023

An invitation to join us for the New Year Plant Hunt


Snowy view from Abdon Burf looking towards Clee Burf.

We hope that this finds you well and as the winter solstice passed yesterday we can look forward to the day length drawing out.

The Shropshire Botanical Society are taking part in the thirteenth annual BSBI New Year Plant Hunt. We will be recording any plants that we find in bloom in Church Stretton and we would love to have your company for a festive field trip.

We are meeting at the car park by the Co-operative supermarket: Church Stretton, SY6 6BX at 10:00 AM on Sunday 31st December. We will walk a route around the town of Church Stretton and record wild and naturalised plants that are currently in flower. We will be no more than a couple of hours and once we are done we will hunt down a comfortable café and see if we can't find space for just one more mince pie.

Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and we hope to see you at the New Year Plant Hunt.