Accessing Data

Accessing plant records of Shropshire can be done in a number of ways:

1) Botanical records displayed on the National Biodiversity Network, which have been submitted to the Vice County Recorders, and through the Shropshire Ecological Data Network (SEDN) can be accessed by a custom built search facility:
This page enables you to search for species using scientific or common names. You can search for a site or zoom in on a map and select a monad square to see what has been recorded. The data can also be downloaded as a CSV file.      

2) Download the Excel spreadsheet from the Botanical Society Dropbox folder

3) Interrogate the National Biodiversity Network Atlas (NBN Atlas)
All our records are uploaded to the NBN Atlas, which allows users to interrogate species records and download distribution maps.  You can just select the data submitted from SEDN (Shropshire Ecological Data Network), which we know has been verified by the VC County Recorder, but there will be other records on there which have arrived by different routes.

4) Search the Distribution Database (DDb) of the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI)
The DDb is primarily intended as a research tool for county-recorders, referees and other specialist users and you need will need to request access from Kevin Walker.  The public access BSBI maps provides a summarised view of the same data.